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Spotify and Boxee Box by D-Link
a match made in heaven

So I was at a Salesforce conference in Sydney a week ago called Cloudforce and Spotify did their presentation on their use of Salesforce (like Rypple) and how they integrate the packages into their company with such great success. While surfing around the internet I came across Spotify’s competition page on Facebook, I thought to

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Clik Logo

Have you tried CLIK for iPhone?

Well, i follow some random people on Twitter and also some big names too, i like to follow technology and social media Twitter accounts and I get some great idea’s from reading peoples tweets. But i recently followed @Clik. I got a Direct Message (DM) from Clik the other day to try their iPhone app,

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What to say to SIRI

What to say to Siri

So you got an iPhone 4S and you want to play around with Siri? Here’s How… Hold in the HOME button for a about 2 seconds, then talk into your iPhone and ask a question like… “Who are you?” “Where is ….” but only works in the United States “Talk dirty to me” “What time

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Top 5 iPhone apps i use

So, first up, I must come clean and advise I have an addiction to iPhone apps! It doesn’t matter if they are paid ones or freebies, I just got to have the latest and greatest! My poor credit card gets a whacking from iTunes, got to keep the economy going hey! So as I flick through the

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